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Still mine examines the life that continues after the closure of a mine or a quarry.
Man has scorched the Earth and left behind something naked and revealing. Merrett exposes what remains within the industrial landscape through his photographic eye and his passion for abandoned industrial sites.
Man has scorched the Earth and left behind something naked and revealing. Merrett exposes what remains within the industrial landscape through his photographic eye and his passion for abandoned industrial sites.
Características y detalles
- Categoría principal: Libros de arte y fotografía
Características: Apaisado grande, 33×28 cm
N.º de páginas: 96 - Fecha de publicación: ago. 21, 2011
- Palabras clave , mathew merrett photography photographer abandoned industrial landscape mine quarry granite asbestos nickle tailings tailing pond sudbury ontario vermont barre quebec thetford gravel
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The entire premise behind my photography is to bring an unusual perspective and awareness to the things that most people wouldn't give a second glance to. Exposing the obscure and resurrecting life where it once existed is my photographic passion. By carefully visualizing my surroundings as they once were and are today, the past and the present are captured as one. My background in fine art painting and graphic design provided me with the design principles that I apply in my images today. In my photography, I capture light and form in a state of decay, which I find in unusual places!