The Push for the Pirates Treasure
2007-2008 Through my Eyes.
de By: Sam Mason
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Características y detalles
Características: Apaisado estándar, 25×20 cm
N.º de páginas: 20 - Fecha de publicación: abr. 26, 2008
Acerca del creador
I started taking pictures on my mobile phone, my interest in photography developed from here and I bought my first digital camera in 2005. From here my interest has excelled, I love football and follow my Club (Bristol Rovers) all over the UK. Taking pictures of the matches and stadiums is a key hobby of mine. I am also involved heavily in women's and youth team club football where on a voluntary basis I assist clubs with their Media, PR and especially pictures. Photography is a art and one that I would love to invest more time into, for now though I am enjoying using my free ttime to learn more everyday about this subject and help my clubs as part of my journey.