The Adventures Of Pookie Land
The Adventures Of Pookie Land
de Sarah Bowie-Thawley
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Características y detalles
- Categoría principal: Libros para niños
Características: Cuadrado pequeño, 18×18 cm
N.º de páginas: 28 - Fecha de publicación: nov. 24, 2010
- Palabras clave Cat tail, Christmas Present, G rated, cat schemes, Cat, Children, Pookie, turmoil, teenage, tween, fun, fiction, hannukah, thanksgiving, gift, present, birthday, anniversary, book, fantasy, rainbow, cheeky, clean, castle, princess
Acerca del creador
It all started in the fifth grade in Mrs. Greens class. She asked us to write a story on what Christmas meant to us. I wrote a poem about Christmas and how it wasn't presents under the tree. I enjoy writing it makes me to relax, shut the world out and unwind. I love writing fun childrens stories and poetry. I have three cats whom I call my children. They are very special to me and unlike most humans they show you unconditional love no matter what. I find that they are quite entertaining and with the Adventures Of Pookie Land it is my creative thoughts that take me to a world that they might possibly live if they had such an opportunity. Thank you for reading my bio, showing an interest in my books and I hope that I can help you find a place to go to outside the hussle and bussle of everyday living. Sarah