Derek Parks Photography
The Wedding Book
de Derek Parks
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Características y detalles
Características: Cuadrado pequeño, 18×18 cm
N.º de páginas: 38 - Fecha de publicación: sep. 21, 2010
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Skewed Patella Visual Media Productions
University Park, MD
I have just launched Skewed Patella this year after spending 4 years creating a successful photo business with my good friend. I have been working as a professional photographer in the Washington, DC, area for the past 5 years, although I have been a casual shooter for much longer. I am originally from Boulder, Colorado, but am now living in the Maryland suburbs of Washington, DC. I call my company Skewed Patella, which was originally supposed to be my band name. Since I am too old now to be starting a band, I have taken on the name for my photo and video productions.