Travels of a Photographer
de Paul C. Pitzer
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Acerca del libro
This is a book of pictures showing my wife, Grace, taking pictures. In a larger sense, what it depicts is the lengths photographers will go to trying to get the "best shot." These photos appear in no particular order. They were taken in the many places Grace and I have visited. So enjoy watching Grace as she travels and sees the world through the lens of her camera.
Características y detalles
Características: Apaisado estándar, 25×20 cm
N.º de páginas: 82 - Fecha de publicación: sep. 13, 2010
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Acerca del creador
Paul Pitzer
Portland, Oregon
I am a retired high school history teacher. Since retirement, my wife (Grace) and I travel whenever possible. With my wife's help I have learned to take a few reasonably good pictures- most of them portraits of people we saw on our travels. My newest book, however, is a chronicle. with pictures, from my two year-long Peace Corps experience in Iran in the 1960s.