Youth Violence in Chicago
An Intimate Look
de Melissa Prusko, Luz Serrano, Kimberlee Ross, Emma Carroll, Beth Rutkowski, Steven A. Meyers
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This book offers an in depth look at the violence affecting children and adolescents growing up in Chicago. Through photographs and first hand accounts, the gravity of this problem is vivid and undeniable. Interviews with students, parents, activists, victims, perpetrators, probation offers, judges and many others who are integrated into these systems contribute to the quotes included within this book. The pictures were taken in the schools, neighborhoods and communities that Chicago youth learn, grow, socialize and function within on a daily basis. The struggles facing these individuals are apparent and the perspectives offered are unique and based on their personal experiences. The intention of this publication is to increase awareness and motivate others to help make a difference. These communities can benefit from financial assistance, but this is only the tip of the iceberg. Integration of services and programs into the lives of these youth can have substantial, long-lasting effects. Those who read this book are encouraged to become involved in their own way - be it through volunteering with an organization mentioned in this publication or through other means. Youth need support in countless ways, and hopefully awareness of these needs will inspire action.
Características y detalles
Características: Apaisado estándar, 25×20 cm
N.º de páginas: 56 - Fecha de publicación: sep. 10, 2010
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Melissa Prusko, Luz Serrano, Kimberlee Ross, Emma Carroll, Beth Rutkowski are Alumni Affiliates of the Initiative of Child and Family Studies at Roosvelt University in Chicago, IL. Steven A. Meyers is a Professor of Psychology and Director of the Initiative for Child and Family Studies at Roosevelt University.