The Book of Jeremiah
de Translated by H W Spradley II
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Jeremiah was persecuted by his own people because he preached the truth of God. He preached the judgment of God on the people of God because of their sin against their God. The Book of Jeremiah is a part of the inspired Hebrew Scriptures, and this book is my translation into English of this portion of the Word of God for all peoples of the earth.
Características y detalles
- Categoría principal: Fe y religión
- Categorías adicionales Inspiración
Características: 20×25 cm
N.º de páginas: 156 - Fecha de publicación: mar. 18, 2025
- Idioma English
- Palabras clave prophet of God, translation, Jeremiah
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Hershall Spradley
Austin, Texas, USA
I have been a follower of the Lord Jesus, the Christ of God, since I was a nineteen-year-old college student to the present day. I have been a college professor, a pastor, a missionary/teacher at a Bible college is South Africa, and a wildlife/nature photographer. Now, in the later days of my earthly life, I have thought it necessary to publish my translations of the Greek New Testament and of much of the Hebrew Old Testament. I publish primarily for my children and grandchildren, but it would be my pleasure if others read my translations of Scripture and found in them encouragement as they seek after God.