Two Korean Corners.
de Des McAllister
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Acerca del libro
The author went in search of photo ops in midwinter
to two corners of South Korea: the capital Seoul in
the northwest, followed by Pusan in the southeast,
with some villages in between.
to two corners of South Korea: the capital Seoul in
the northwest, followed by Pusan in the southeast,
with some villages in between.
Características y detalles
- Categoría principal: Fotografia callejera
- Categorías adicionales Acción/Aventuras, Viajes
Características: Cuadrado pequeño, 18×18 cm
N.º de páginas: 62 - Fecha de publicación: mar. 13, 2025
- Idioma English
- Palabras clave Travel., Culture, Street photography
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Acerca del creador
Des McAllister
Dublin, Ireland
Des McAllister never ran away with the circus. Instead, he became an artist, firefighter, truffle- salesman, T'ai Chi instructor, manager etc. He also worked in Advertising & Graphic Design, and has successfully exhibited his work.