Book of Mormon
Jesus Christ in North America
de Tony Kim
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They are the most important verses to show Jesus Christ appeared in North America in AD 34.
You believe in Jesus Christ and you believe in the Book of Mormon.
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Tony Kim had been a math/science department instructor at San Joaquin Memorial High School in Fresno, CA. He is currently teaching at Selma Unified School District in Selma, CA. He holds a Ph.D. in chemical/aerospace engineering and mechanics from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute and two Master's of Education degrees from Xavier University and California State University. After spending twenty-five successful years as an aerospace engineer, in 2000 he embarked on a second career in teaching. He is a high priest and elder at LDS Church in Clovis, CA. He enjoys playing golf with a handicap of 5. This is his second book, following the first book, "An American Story," his autobiography published by Dorrance Publishing Company in June, 2010.