All That I Can Be
de Dr. Sundra E. Mann
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Características y detalles
- Categoría principal: Libros para niños
- Categorías adicionales Cómic y novela gráfica
Características: Cuadrado pequeñísimo, 13×13 cm
N.º de páginas: 26 - Fecha de publicación: feb. 19, 2025
- Idioma English
- Palabras clave careers, dreams, imagination, children
Acerca del creador
Dr. Sundra E. Mann is the Owner and Chief Executive Officer of SUNDAE Leader LLC, a leadership consulting and independent media firm. The company provides strategic guidance to organizations, teams, and individuals aiming to optimize their resources and achieve better results. Additionally, SUNDAE Leader LLC supports independent books and films. Dr. Mann is an author who writes across various genres and for different audiences. Her books for early readers ignite the imagination and open up endless possibilities. She incorporates repetitive words, rhyming patterns, and bold illustrations to encourage creative thinking and joyful curiosity. For older readers, she prioritizes engaging themes and compelling storylines. Dr. Mann's works for adult audiences cover various topics related to organizational leadership, resilience, and photography collections.