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How can we possibly persevere through challenging days? Read Harold and Shawne's story and discover how you too, like a marathon runner, can press on through any situation.
Características y detalles
- Categoría principal: Fe y religión
- Categorías adicionales Biografías y memorias
Características: 13×20 cm
N.º de páginas: 204 -
- Tapa blanda: 9798210820983
- Fecha de publicación: oct. 09, 2023
- Idioma English
- Palabras clave perseverance, run, healing, cancer
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Harold and Shawne Ebersole
Harold (Goehring) Ebersole grew up as a missionary kid in Bangladesh and then the Philippines. Shawne (Gelina) Ebersole grew up as a pastor’s kid in America. Both tell stories of God’s astonishing power. They have defined the joy of serving Jesus as life full of adventure. For thirty action-packed years, they have worked in South Asia. Recently, however, God’s plans have taken them through cancer and then COVID, to hospitals and beyond. It seems that they’re running through dangerous, new territory. Yet they know that He Who is faithful chose them, He’s marked out this race, and He’s pacing them step by step. Through it all, they see His good plan, depend on His grace, and look to Him Who waves them – and us all- in at the finish line.