Crow Name Issue 3 Ebook
Bud, Blossom, Bloom
de Editors G Bello and M Jones
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Características y detalles
- Categoría principal: Literatura y ficción
- Categorías adicionales Ficción, Libros de arte y fotografía
- Versión ebook de composición fija, 23 págs.
- Fecha de publicación: dic. 05, 2021
- Última modificación dic. 09, 2021
- Idioma English
- Palabras clave literary journal, literary fiction, poetry
Acerca del creador
Bursting forth from an inside joke, Crow Name is the singular brain(cell) child of Gail Bello and Meagan Jones. Its mission: be a fun, creative studio to help all the odds and ends of the world find their place. Having both enjoyed co-editing their alma mater’s online literary journal, Gail and Meagan were inspired to create their own space in their collective voice and via the symbolism of their favorite mess of an animal; crows. Crows are known and beloved for bringing their human friends shiny gifts. We at Crow Name see your writing as the most gorgeous bric-a-brac glinting in the sun and we want to share its blinding glory with everyone! In short, we’re a literary magazine, a studio, a blog, and an archive of shiny things. The only thing we have yet to do is actually manage to truly befriend a murder of crows.