Contemporary China Review (Quarterly Journal) 2021 Issue 1
当代中国评论(英文季刊)2021 春季刊
de Bouden House
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This an English version of Contemporary China Review. Contemporary China Review was published by Bouden House in New York. A group of Chinese intellectuals have courageously stepped forward to overcome all difficulties and publish an independent periodical that seeks to discuss important issues relating to China openly and honestly.
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博登书屋旨在推出一批具有独立思想正确价值观、对中国乃至世界的当下时事政治、经济、文化艺术以及哲学、历史等研究领域的深度学术研究著作,特别努力推出鼓励年轻一代学者学术研究。 当今世界已经是个信息化、全球化的时代,中生代学者视野宽广、思想开放,有独立见解,许多年轻学者更具有挑战权威和批判所谓“学术霸主”的勇气和全新的知识结构,我在他们身上看到了未来中国的希望! 博登书屋是华人世界思想者的竞技场,是全球华人思想者竞赛的啦啦队!