Hiraeth: Deep Wild Dreaming
An Art Journal
de Leslie Spann
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Acerca del libro
Hiraeth is a Welsh word meaning an intense longing for home. A home that may never have even existed. This book is a window into the world I have created for myself through art. A world in which I attempt to heal by bringing the dark into the light. Through the alchemy of mixing the pain and grief with whatever is right in front of me. Finding the marvelous in the mundane. It is my humble hope to help others to heal through beauty. I hope you will enjoy it.
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Características y detalles
- Categoría principal: Libros de arte y fotografía
- Categorías adicionales Autoayuda, Inspiración
Características: 20×25 cm
N.º de páginas: 266 -
- Tapa blanda: 9781715775827
- Fecha de publicación: nov. 07, 2020
- Idioma English
- Palabras clave journal, collage, photography, inspiration, art
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Acerca del creador
Leslie Spann
Los Angeles, CA, USA
I think there is beauty in decrepitude and the every-day, and I try to capture some of that. My day job is working as a TV producer, but my real love and passion is creating art. For the past few years, I have been working non-stop on my art/visual journals. My humble wish is to uplift and inspire people the way that I have been inspired by other artists.